Get FREE GiffGaff Sim In PAKISTAN | UK International SIM



Hello Friend, Today in this article i will show you sample trick how to order your free GiffGaff sim in all over the world.
Ordering your sim from united kingdom is legal and totally free watch this article full and carefully.

Giffgaff is a mobile telephone network running as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telefónica UK, and was launched on 25 November 2009. SOURCE Wikipedia

According to GiffGaff Our free SIM cards come in all 3 sizes (micro-SIM, nano-SIM and standard-SIM), all you need to do is pop out the SIM that fits your phone.

how to order giffgaff sim delivered to my address in pakistan. when ordering sim card the website doesnt allow us to input Pakistan address?.

IF you are searching for a permanent UK Number? if your answer is Yes, then I show you How to Order a Giffgaff SIM in Pakistan. You can order it online for free.


1. Go to the official website of Giffgaf.

2. You will see an interface as shown in the picture, click on the Order your free SIM.

3. In new window open click on NO Thanks.

4. Now you have to enter First Name, and your Last Name, Email address, and Your Address. After that, click on Order your free SIM.

5. After ordering your free giffgaff sim they will tell you aspected time of arrival on your destination which you mention,

What if Giffgaff SIM Not Arrived?

If Giffgaff is not offering their service in your country then you can buy a virtual office in the UK. Once they delivered to UK address, you can ask the Virtual Address Provider company to dispatch the SIM to your address.

I hope this article will help you how to order your first international sim in Pakistan.

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