Why No to Valentine Day ?


Say NO to Valentine - Top Trend in Muslim Countries.

Why Muslim Boycott Valentine Day .

Spreading Love is One of the great things in the universe. But looking towards Valentine Day it seems that our youngsters Believe that only loving your Partners in 14th February.

Muslim believes that loving your partner your wife is sunnah and it is compulsory and there is no specific day and month for it.

Valentine Day is not Muslim culture and there is no concept of girlfriend in Islam.
Islam strictly Forced on Nikkah which is sunnah.

Muslim does not make a girlfriend. Muslims must marry someone who they love 💕 .

Muslims must respect their partner before and after marriage. Date's is a haram way and Muslim must stop herself from that haram way.

According to Google, there are more than 57 Muslim Islamic countries.

And this culture is rapidly increased in Muslim Countries which is a thinkable act for us.

Touching girls before marriage is also Haram.
Stop Making someone Sister fool ... Think you have your own sister in the home.

Always looks towards other sisters like it is your own sister.

Why Valentine is haram I think you must know what's the reason that it's haram in Islam. Islam stop us from each act like Valentine Day.

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